Sunday, June 2, 2013

Muncie Olympic... short and sweet

Well I usually like to write very in-depth race reports, but the Muncie Olympic race doesn't deserve too much of my time or thoughts. The Muncie Olympic race was more-so just a "fitness check" to prepare for Eagleman 70.3 that's now exactly one week away. For non "A" races, I usually sign up for them the week of, but mainly because I'm stingy and don't want to financially commit to a race. The weather was  predicted to be in the 60's with a small chance of rain, so I went ahead and pulled the trigger and signed up.

The race was delayed 30 minutes because it was drizzling, 45 degrees and miserable. The delay actually really benefited me because I was already running late. The water temp was also 58 degrees, which actually feels really good to me. The start was good, I did a couple of dolphin dives in the shallow water to get going. I've never done dolphin dives in a race before but it actually really helped. The first 500 meters to the first buoy was a madhouse. I was swimming next to a guy who's never heard of a high elbow in swimming, so he literally was smacking the back of my head for several strokes. I quickly decided to drop him. The rest of the swim was decent, I felt ok but nothing exciting. At the exit, there was nothing good to sight towards so I kept having to bring my head way out of the water to see where the heck I was going. It wasn't until I saw the results that saw how bad my swim was. I finished the swim in 25:28, 1:42 average. I was aiming for at worst a 1:30 average.

THE most miserable bike ride I've ever done. After spending what seemed like 20 minutes getting my wetsuit off, I finally got onto my bike. I knew it would be rough within the first 100 feet of riding. I was only wearing my race kit so being wet and riding in 45 degree air wasn't a good combination, especially for someone who already has bad circulation to their hands and feet (thank my genes for that). It seemed like the only people I was passing were people from the sprint race, which wasn't the biggest confidence booster. At about mile 15 is when I really started to become miserable, I couldn't get my legs to work and my entire body was literally numb. I even contemplated DNFing because I was so miserable, but I just told myself that I would get to T2 and then decide. I knew I would keep going though. When I was approaching T2, I flew by the dismount line because all the volunteers just stood there without directing anybody to where the entrance to T2 was. I was quite pissed. During T2, I was telling Lauren about how miserable I was, I just wanted to get the run over with a get the hell out of Muncie. I finished the bike in 1:15, 20.3 mph average.

I knew I could make up some of my lost time from the bike, on the run. Although, about 1/2 mile in, I felt a weird, dull pain behind my knee that I was forced to stop and attempt to rub out. It never really went away and I still don't know what caused it. When I was rubbing it, a guy passed me which I actually turned out to like. I sometimes feel like Seabiscuit in that I often have my best run splits when I'm chasing someone. I felt very good during the run, but not great. I knew that my pathetic bike hadn't set me up for a good run. I was running side by side with the guy that passed me until I dropped him around mile 4. There wasn't a single person in sight so it made it a little more difficult to push it. Even the finishing chute wasn't well marked so I slowed down a bit during the last 1/8 mile just so I could figure out where the heck I was going. I finished the run in 41:06, 6:38/mile average. I wanted to be around a 6:15/mile average but with a crappy bike and stopping one time, I guess I can't complain.

Dumb race, it wasn't a complete waste of time but it didn't really do anything to help me gauge my fitness. I knew that I loved my K-Swiss K-Ruzz 1.5's and my PowerBar gels but that wasn't news to me. Almost every time I do any Muncie race, I ask myself why I did it because there isn't really anything about it that I like. That's all, nothing exciting to share. It was a PR from last year but that isn't saying much. It was just a miserable 2/3 of the race.

I want to thank Lauren for coming (even though I literally had to drag her there) and being my little cheerleader for the day. I also wanted to thank my amazing Wattie Ink sponsors ISM Saddles, Powerbar and K-Swiss. Now its time to get my head back into the game and prepare for a solid week of tapering before Ironman Eagleman 70.3.

1 comment:

  1. From: Darin Armstrong #TeamLIVESTRONG

    Hello Mike,
    Just a quick email to ask if you would be interested in a ‘mutual’ following on twitter. (#FYI I do RT’s ‘ANYTIME’ for all #Triathletes #Cyclists #UltraRunners #Marathoners #FitnessProfessionals who follow me on Twitter and have something important they want mentioned for support…Over 41K folks at your access...) I am currently following you now and am awaiting your follow-back...

    All the very best for the rest of 2013 & beyond Mike. Look forward to hearing from you…

    (PS. Mike, should you follow back, I'll be mentioning you, 'including your website' in my #FollowFriday #Shoutouts this Friday...)

