Tuesday, September 4, 2012


So today is the day after my 27th birthday, and even though it has passed, I still think I owe it to myself to give myself a present. Now normal people might go to Dairy Queen for a Blizzard, or the mall to get a new outfit and they would say that that is their birthday present to themselves. Well being the triathlete nerd that I am and keeping to a promise to myself...I decided that my birthday present to myself would be to seek out my first sponsor, so thats what I did today. The first sponsor I'm seeking out is LockLaces.

I first wanted to seek them out for one reason and one reason only...their customer service and dedication to constantly pleasing each and every customer. If you're not familiar with LockLaces, they're a replacement to traditional shoe-strings. They're elastic laces that in order to tighten them, you simply have to pull on a sort-of draw-string. They are ideal for triathletes, kids and the physically handicapped. 
Triathletes love them because when they're in T2, they don't have to take the time to tie each shoe; they simply slip their feet in, pull the lock and off they go. Putting their shoes on literally takes 5 seconds, valuable time in triathlon. Kids and the physically handicapped love them because the simplicity of putting on shoes and also they will never become untied.

I decided to seek them out because I've been wearing them for years, but I really took notice a week before my half-ironman in Racine, WI. I had purchased a new pair of New Balance 1400's for my race and knew that I had to get some matching LockLaces to go with. I was supposed to leave on Friday for my race, and on the previous Monday I called customer service and asked them if I had ordered some laces that day, would they get to me in time for my race? The guy on the other end said “yes, certainly”. So I eagerly ordered the orange laces. On Thursday, they STILL hadn’t arrived at my door so I called C.S. again and spoke with Louisa. She explained to me that my order hadn’t been shipped at all due to some sort of mix-up/error. I told her I could go to my local retailer and settle for some boring black or white ones. She then explained how sorry she was and she assured me that she was shipping my order overnight to me in time for me to leave for my race. I put a lot of trust in Louisa…and she came through! I spoke with her at 5pm on Thursday and they arrived at my doorstep at noon the next day, just in time for me to leave for my race! On top of getting to me on time, she also included 8 other pairs of laces for me to share with my friends. Well I met my goal and completed my race, it was an amazing experience. What really stood out to me though was that Louisa knew that I could’ve just “settled” for the off color laces, but she also knew how much I wanted the orange laces and she went out of her way to make me satisfied. That service right there is what makes companies great. I’ve shared that story with many of my friends and family because it was possibly the best customer service I’ve ever received. I want to represent a company that has C.S. at the top of their priority list and LockLaces went above and beyond what I expected. Louisa knew that a small investment would keep me a satisfied and loyal customer.  I want to represent a company that not only has a great product, but they also have the service that backs up their product.

If you haven't checked out them out yet, I would highly suggest ordering some online (www.locklaces.com) or visiting your local running/triathlon/sporting goods store. I purchase a new pair for every single new running shoe I buy and haven't been dissatisfied with their product once. I promist the $10 investment will be well worth it. If you don't believe me, check out any pro triathletes shoe, you won't see a single one with a traditional shoelace.  

Well I turned in my application and explained all the reasons why we should partner together, but I realize I won't know anything for several more months, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I know I won't be getting huge paychecks from them, or be flown around the world on their G-6, but this is just one step to taking my passion for the sport to the next level.



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