Friday, August 17, 2012

I finally made it happen...

I'm finally making this blog thing happen... after close to two years of hinting on the idea of writing my own I finally just decided to make it happen. I don't know exactly how it's going to go but I know I wanna give it a shot. I'm hoping that I will be able to use this blog as a marketing tool for myself as well as a training blog. I want to share my experiences and tips as a triathlete who's trying to take his passion to the next level. I've been doing triathlons for about 3 years now and I just completed my first half-ironman in Racine this summer and even though there are a lot of kinks I need to work out, I caught the bug. I would like to get a couple of half irons under my belt and a few personal things in order before I make the jump to a full ironman, which I will do someday. I was about 45 minutes off of being competitive for my age group in Racine so I know its possible. Thats my goal. My goal is to qualify for the Ironman 70.3 World Championships in Las Vegas someday. I won't ever win, it simply isn't in the cards I was dealt, but I would like to be competitive for my age group. 

One big factor to me writing this blog is because there's an elite team I want to be a part of, Wattie, Ink. It's a sports management company started by Sean Watkins. He was instrumental in starting the career of triathlon superstar Heather Jackson and also represents Ben Hoffman, Joe Gambles and Lesley Paterson. I recently started communicating with some of the elite team via Twitter, Facebook and e-mail and I've never met a group of people who's as passionate, dedicated and enthusiastic about the sport of triathlon as that group is. I've been serious about triathlon for the past 2 years but always did everything on my own. I would train with a partner or group once in a while but never had any structure or accountability when it came to my training, I want that to change. I want to be a part of a group or team thats as passionate about triathlon as I am. I wanna ROCK THE W!!!! in 2013!!

My race season will end in about 6 weeks with the Chicago Marathon. I'm then going to re-evaluate my 2013 race and training schedule. My lack of structure when it came to training constantly led to many injuries, mostly running. Leading up to my first half Ironman, Racine 70.3, I could hardly run due to a foot injury and that led to a 2 hour half marathon where I should've ran about a 1:30-1:45 half marathon. And even during my marathon training, I've strained my calf, still have runners knee and my foot still flairs up once in a while. I know that I have the ability to be competitive but I KNOW that my lack of structure and injuries prevent me from taking a podium position. 

Since this is my first post, I don't wanna blabber too much, I'll get more into marathon training and my plans for next season in future posts. But for now...I'm signing off. I've got a big day tomorrow; church, Lauren's cousins birthday and then a 15 mile run. 

Sorry for being a bit random and choppy... Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo is on in the background and its a bit distracting. 

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